Donate and Sponsor

Sponsorship and Donations

Three convenient ways to make your gift:

Online, through the secure Colorado College donation form. When donating online please be sure to choose the category 'other' and specify Summer Music Festival.

Via mail, by sending a check or your visa/mc information to
Colorado College Summer Music Festival
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Via phone, by calling Assistant Director, Ann Van Horn (719) 389-6552. We gladly accept visa, master, discover card and american express.


Donor Giving Levels
The Golden Baton $10,000 and up
Music Director's Circle $7,000 - $9,999
Conductor's Circle $4,000 - $6,999
Do $2,500-$3,999
Re $1,500-$2,499
Mi $1,000-$1,499
Fa $500-$999
So $100-$499
La $1-$99


Sponsor a concert, faculty member or student
Adopt a Festival Orchestra concert $6,000
Adopt a Festival Artist concert $4,500
Student Fellowship (tuition, room and board) $3,000
Student Scholarship (tuition only) $2,000
Share a Fellowship $1,500
Share a Scholarship $1,000

Join our endowment campaign

Colorado College established its first summer music program in the late 1880s. Since then, a succession of brilliant performers and gifted student musicians have been summer guests of the college. Former students include the Concertmaster of the English Chamber Orchestra, Concertmaster (and the Assistant Concertmaster) of the Spanish Radio Television Symphony Orchestra as well as principal wind positions in the Atlanta Symphony, Houston Symphony and San Francisco Opera.

The Summer Music Festival started in 1984 under the Summer Festival of the Arts within the Colorado College Summer Session. It is now made possible by the generous support of many foundations, corporations and lovers of chamber music. Please help the Colorado College Summer Music Festival continue the tradition of offering chamber music of the highest quality and make a donation today. Donors to the Summer Music Festival receive an early invitation to order season and individual concert tickets as well as invitations to special events.

While Colorado College supports the Summer Music Festival with in-kind donations of rehearsal and performance spaces, we are dependent on organizations, foundations and individual supporters to ensure the continued success of the program.

Foundation and Corporate Sponsors:

1.-Preferred-Inasmuch-Color-Logo-.png                     Pikes-Peak-Community-Foundation.jpgVradenburg-Foundation.jpg  


CC-LOGO-Horiz-CMYK-Overlay-2Color.jpg                            Morgan Stanley PMG logo

      Cultural Attractions Fund                                     





Susan Grace, Music Director

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/01/2025