FG302 - Transnational Sexualities

Studies the multifarious cultural, economic, and political effects of globalization on conceptualizations of “sexuality” and gender in order to situate cultural and historical understandings of gender and sexuality in their geopolitical specificity. Examines the benefits and pitfalls of how social justice is often defined through a global human rights framework through interdisciplinary studies of queer, feminist postcolonial theory, globalization studies, literature, film, and ethnography. Examines globalized sexual identities, sexual practices, queerness, and transnational capital in relation to notions of the local-global, nationhood, diaspora, borders, margins, and the urban-rural, situated in gay and lesbian studies, queer theory, third world and transnational feminism, and postcolonial studies. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement. Meets the Equity and Power: EPG requirement. Meets the Equity and Power: EPUS requirement.

Prerequisite: Feminist & Gender Studies 110 or Feminist & Gender Studies 114, and junior or senior standing.

Degree requirement — Critical Perspectives: G, Equity and Power: EPG, Equity and Power: EPUS

1 unit — Kumar


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2026 Block 6 Transnational Sexualities Rushaan Kumar TBA 25 / 25 03/12/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/12/2025