CH100 - Studies in Chemistry:
Selected topical areas, such as forensic science, materials science, environmental science, history of chemistry, chemistry and art, or nutritional, medicinal and consumer chemistry taught at the introductory level from a chemical perspective. Intended for (but not typically limited to) non-science majors, these courses will usually include moderate lab or fieldwork and independent or group research projects. Some topics may give Scientific Inquiry and Natural Science Lab credit. 1 or 2 units - Department (Not offered 2025-26).
1 unit
Previously Featured Offering
Studies in Chemistry: The Science of Painted Art will explore actual artwork in the laboratory and examine the composition of paintings. Directed toward students, curators, and artists, the class will take a hands-on approach to the science behind art, forgery detection, and how humans create and perceive color.

Using actual artworks in the laboratory, the composition of paintings are examined with the tools an art conservator employs to determine a painting’s provenance and state of preservation. Includes a “hands-on” look at how humans create and perceive color using pigments and binders. This course is for students, curators and artists interested in the science underlying art and forgery detection.
General Chemistry and Forensic Science work together to enrich a student’s experience with broad applications of basic science and explore the rapidly growing field of forensic science.

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Last updated: 03/12/2025